
Showing posts from September, 2010

Willpower is Overrated!

Willpower. I’ve decided I hate this phrase, at least in how it applies to dieting. It's thrown around a lot, usually by people who are not or never have been fat. “If only she had more willpower, she wouldn’t binge like that.” Usually it’s used to blame a fat person’s obesity on their own weakness... Basically, I think it's bullshit.

You call THAT progress? You bet your sweet bippy I do!

Phew... been a couple of weeks since I last posted anything and let me just say - ROLLER COASTER!!!!! So you know how I'm an emotional eater right? Well if that was going to be tested any time, it was during the past two weeks... The morning of the 9th I checked our bank account only to find that Roy's unemployment check was HALF what it should have been - that alone was enough to send me into an eating tailspin! Then later that day I was tooling along minding my own business when, WHAMO. Let's just say it wasn't a very good day.... and to make a long story short, between then & now the loaner car overheated, Julia scratched her cornea & got an ear infection, I have TWO pink eyes, my leg is infected from the accident AND we're still waiting on the other half of that check - good news on that one though, should be here tomorrow and if all goes well, my car will be done Friday!! So as you can see... it wouldn't be any big surprise to see that scale to...

Week 2 down...

Woot!  13 pounds down and 115 more to go! I’ve lost 13 pounds so far and I can’t tell.  When you’re so overweight, 13 pounds is such a small number – it’s easy to see now how I never noticed if I was gaining or losing weight, 13 pounds could sneak on or off and I’d never know! It was a rough week and the long holiday weekend made it even more hard!  Although I will say, being busy all weekend with activities & such has kept me occupied and not eating as much garbage!  Friday night was a liquid dinner mixed with some massive carpet cleaning – WooHoo!  Saturday, back to cleaning and off to my MIL’s for a delish whole grain spaghetti dinner with 7 layer salad… I would have been just fine with the salad, it was AWESOME!  Sunday… I’ll admit I was a piggy & finished off that salad – is it wrong to eat salad for breakfast?  Oh, I did have a bacon egg bagel from Tim Horton’s too… than half a wrap for lunch and finished the day off with grill pork c...