In the Beginning...

The new healthy living festivities have begun! So far so good and I'm quite amazed at how my will power has been holding out... usually there's a HUGE fight between my body and my will power, I'm sure you can guess which one usually wins. Well not this time... the house is stocked with "good for you" stuff and I kept myself fairly busy this weekend to keep my mind off shoving stuff in my mouth. It seems like I was on my feet in the kitchen all day Sunday, prepping the goods for the week... getting meals together and what not. Roy has even joined me in this venture... it's going to be a little harder keeping him on a plan because he works crazy hours, but I think we can make it work with a few adjustments. I came across a recipe for roasted spaghetti squash and had to try it! Of course I didn't follow the directions exactly, seriously, who does that? I took a picture of my creation that I'll have to add later but basically what I did is... ...