The Digest Diet

That little four letter word that will drive you insane... DIET! Yeah yeah yeah, I know... you've heard it all before. There's a fad diet around every corner you turn and I've likely tried every single stinkin one of them! The grapefruit diet, cabbage soup diet, Atkins, HCG, Apple Cider Vinegar, Dukan etc... Well a month or so back I was reading the Reader's Digest and there was a wonderful article about this diet that the Editor had devised and wrote a book about. How she'd spent years and years compiling and researching what works... yeah, right - skinny thing that she is knows all about trying to lose weight. And of course there were success stories involved to insprie the uninspired - like me. What the heck, none of the others have worked, we'll give this one a whirl. Of course in the Reader's Digest they didn't give details - you have to get the book. To the library I went... they didn't have it, all the interlibrary resources ...