Crockpot Chicken Teriyaki

If you're on Facebook or Pinterest you've likely seen the posts for crockpot chicken teriyaki, much like I have. Over and over I kept seeing the post, finally clicked on it and the recipe seemed simple enough... so simple I decided to change from the traditional Christmas ham dinner to chicken teriyaki for our Christmas meal this year. Ok, so the kids didn't exactly go for it... but I did and it was delicious! So the day came and do you think I could find the exact recipe I originally looked at, no of course not... so I googled it. Yep, as you suspected 100 upon 100's of versions of crockpot chicken teriyaki. So as I reviewed the recipes most got a thumbs down simply because there were to many ingredients and or things that needed to be done. Seriously, the whole purpose of crockpot is to just dump it and go right? Not cook for 3 hours then do this for 2 then do this and then that and... you get the point. So naturally I decided to ...