Put Yer Dukes Up!

So, yeah… I joined Weight Watchers in January.  Why didn’t you all tell me they changed their program?!  It’s the same concept, except you’re eating more protein and less carbs.  LESS CARBS!?  Are you serious!?  Uhhh yeah they were.  Now it wasn’t totally horrible because you could still eat them, they just counted higher in the point system.  Which I suppose wasn’t all that horrible either since I was allowed a bazillion points.  But I just wasn’t feeling it… I tried following it; I did follow it, for a couple weeks… maybe 3 or 4.  I suppose I could have just gone back to the old program on my own, after all I do still have the old “point’s calculator” but you know what – after 3-4 weeks of little to no success I said screw it! 

I had adopted a new theory… that I was going to be happy!  If that meant having a pizza over a salad then so be it!  Not that I have anything against salads, I LOVE them… but stick a pizza & a salad in front of me and see which one get’s eaten first!  But seriously, I mean what if I were to die tomorrow?  Shouldn’t my last meal be something I like & enjoy and not some crap??  Whatever I eat in any diet is gonna have to be stuff I’ll be able to eat the rest of my life & being the food connoisseur that I am, well…. I just like variety and trying new things and not worrying if they’re loaded with fat or not!

So anywho… back to the drawing board we go.  In speaking with my dear friend Jane I found out about the Dukan Diet.  Now I’m not sure how to pronounce that so I’ve just been going with the Dookie Diet – though I have yet to experience any increase in the dookie dept.  In reading it, it’s similar to both the Atkins and Weight Watchers programs… high protein, low carbs etc.  Surprisingly day 1 day one’s second attempt went rather well.  I have 6 days of the “Attack Phase” where I eat nothing but lean meats and low fat dairy – I do so loves me some meat!

So check back, I’ll be blogging more often and I might even take progress pictures so you can see me shrink right before your eyes!


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