Snack Time Review
It’s review time!
I was at the store a week ago and saw these “Energy Blasts” by PowerBar® on clearance! Of course at first I thought they couldn’t be to good if they’re on clearance – right? Right… kinda. I bought ‘em anyway cause I figured it’d be a good “healthy” work snack for when the munchies creeped up on me.
The box describes them as gel filled chews… really? They’re bland gummy drops with a pea size goop of red stuff that tastes nothing like raspberry. While still edible, not exactly a gummy bear… though I will finish off the box, so I guess they aren’t completely horrendous. The thing that get’s me though is their “claim” of being “energy blasts”…. I think they forgot to add the energy. Granted I’ve only had one serving/pouch but still… oh wait… it says they are for use before or DURING moderate & high intensity exercise. Oops… I know I’ve been slacking on the work out stuff lately but has it been so long that now we’re supposed eat/snack DURING a work out??? When did they start that rule, cause I would have been working out more if I knew I was allowed to eat while doing it! And you know what, I bet a Grab Bag of Doritos has the same amount of nutrition in them as these do… one serving is 190 calories, 45g of carb and 36g of sugar!!! Holy Energy Blast Batman! Apparently the 2:1 glucose to fructose ratio is to deliver 20-50% more energy to muscles and improve endurance performance by 8%! Yeah right… ok PowerBar® I’ll still eat your bland mis-shapen gummy bears but I’m not falling for your high energy crap…

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