Spicy Bacon Avocado Eggrolls

I love eggrolls... one day an acquaintance had me try some of their homemade eggrolls and I almost melted right there, they were THAT good! So after some time I got to thinking about it and came across a recipe that seemed easy enough and decided to give it a whirl. I figured if the acquaintance could make them, certainly I could... so I did. I quickly came to the conclusion that 1, that bumble head did NOT make those eggrolls, and 2, I should have known better than to think they did. Oh there's no doubt that they were homemade, but not by that person. Either way, they were pretty easy to make... and they don't even begin to compare to the ones you get in the restaurant. I've made them with a pork/beef combo and chicken . I always bake them, they're quite tasty and slightly healthy this way... I'm sure fried is the preferred method but who wants to use up all that oil? So... over the years I've experimented with the eggroll idea whic...