Exercising... a time consuming necessity.

Next on the list is… exercise.  I know I know, I talk about getting out and walking and how I want to start an exercise program blah blah blah but this time I’m doing it!  Weight loss is at a stand still and I need to jump start it again... this will help me burn more calories, tone up and help me get my groove back!
It really shouldn’t be hard to do… if you think about it, I’m already spending a couple hours  a day exercising when you take into account, all the typing, walking to the kitchen to refill my icey water, yawning & stretching.  Adding an exercise program will probably add another hour or two a day… sigh… losing weight is quite the time consuming activity.
Between the exercise, time spent preparing healthy foods and other daily necessities, my free time is shrinking… shrinking, shrinking….


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