You're doing what?

That's right... I'm blogging.  This is my latest attempt to lose weight and hold myself accountable - no holds barred... Throughout my blog I'll be going over things like, why I'm fat, reasons I want to lose weight, my plans to lose weight and the crazy adventures that go with it all.  Want to ride along with me? Grab a drink & get comfy cause here we go...

Phew, a little nervous here... I'm about to lay it all out on the line, about to do something NO woman does or at the very least likes to do.  I'm giving you my stats... I don't want to, but I have to.  I mean really, how will you know that I'm improving and on track if we don't have a starting point to measure from right?  It's not the heaviest I've ever been (yeah I know) but it's enough to make you say, ddddaaaammmmnn!

Day one STATS...

Starting Weight: 303 pounds (it's mostly boob)
Goal Weight: 175 pounds
Weight to Lose: 128 pounds (Holy crap!)
Goal Rate of Loss: 10 pounds per month.

I've been overweight pretty much most my life... I don't recall exactly when or why the weight started sticking but I do know I weighed 100 pounds in the 3rd grade and that's when I remember the teasing starting... being overweight has become just as much of my identity as my name, and ummm actually if I'm not mistaken one of the ways I use to be identified from the "other Tami's" is - Fat Tami.... you know, as opposed to blue eyed Tami, witty Tami or just plain super cute Tami.

So why am I back at this losing weight crap again?  Sigh... well, I'm tired. I'm tired of my clothes not fitting, I'm tired of having to settle for frumpy clothes, I'm tired of wearing the same stretchy pants all the time, I'm tired of not being able to keep up with my kids, I'm just plain tired and it sucks.  And if you start sending me advice on how to lose weight, then you suck too!

I mean with the exception of this obesity thing, I'm in fairly good health.  Blood pressure is good, cholesterol is good, not even close to being borderline diabetic, I'm just fat.  To sum things up, I'd like to lose weight so I can buy clothes from the misses section again, so I can buy HOT clothes, so I can be around long enough to watch my grand kids drive their parents crazy like they did me!

So how am I going to do it? ohhhh... a little of this, a little of that... since I've tried every weight loss method known to man I'm thinking a nice cocktail of diet fads should work, right?  Maybe, maybe not... you'll have to keep reading to find out what works, what doesn't, how I reward myself for a job well done and how I punish myself for failing.  Fail!?  What?  Wait, I can't go into this with such a negative thought - failing already?  Actually I'm positive I will fail, there will be days I fall off the wagon and that's where your support comes in and my fat ass get's back up and jiggles on.  Without failure, we have no success.  It's why I'm blogging about my current weight loss adventure, to make it more tangible and not just something I talk about. 

It's going to be a tough battle... mind over matter.  Oh bother... how the heck am I going to keep myself disciplined enough to keep from eating a whole bag of chocolate?  Mind over matter, mind over matter... I control what I eat and drink. No one is forcing food down my throat. I decide what I eat and what I don’t. It’s that simple AND that complicated.


  1. A)Bravo on posting your stats!
    B)You should change your name for posting to super cute tami
    C)It's that simple AND that complicated = SO TRUE! I'll be keeping my eye on you!

  2. Dear Precious Tami (that is what you have always been to me - a prize of a woman and a dear friend)
    I admire you! I believe in you!
    I have and will continue to support you!
    Love and LOADS of hugs!

  3. i think you're hilarious, super cute tami! i know you can do it. you can do whatever you set your mind to. i believe in you and you are inspiration to a lot of people, especially me.

  4. Tami,

    First off, I'm sure this took a lot of courage to write. Writing it down makes it tangible - makes it real. I know you didn't solicit opinions (and I don't want to suck), but my advice is to start small - I did. I just cut back on my pop and dessert intake. I didn't eliminate it, but I cut back. It helped immensely. The first step is always the hardest, in my opinion.

    I wish you the absolute best of luck in your quest, and I KNOW you can do it!!!


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