A Cleansing We Will Go...

You've all heard about detoxing, colon cleansing, etc. right?  There are tons of different methods and cleansing kits out there, once upon a time I even tried Colon Blow - the name was just so funny I couldn't NOT try it!  Well anyway, the other night I decided last minute I was going to try the Young Living 5 day Nutritive Cleanse.  Now if you know me even just a little, I like LOVE to eat!  Food is my crack, I just love the way it tastes all yummy in my mouth, Mmmmm.  I've been in a diet rut lately and figured this would be good to get things jump started again... and of course I choose to start on a weekend where we have a Super Moon AND Cinco de Mayo all at one time!  Seriously what was I thinking?

Why should we do a cleanse?  To rid our bodies of all that compacted waste in our colon and bowels, not to mention to clean out any toxins that may be lurking.  Our colon's primary function is to absorb nutrients and water into our bodies and help rid the toxins (so I've read, I'm no doctor).. and if it's all compacted full of poo then how are you going to get all the nutritional stuff to do it's duty?  I am by far NOT constipated, don't feel bloated or anything like that but I am fatigued, sluggish, have lower back pain - you get the picture.  So that's MY reason for cleaning things out... bring back some life and energy to my body!

DAY 1:  I started this cleanse yesterday, I knew it was going to be hard... I'm used to eating my egg beater breakfast, a snack or two then a decent size lunch, maybe another snack and then on to dinner... I just love to eat.  I eat out of boredom, I am an emotional eater... I just eat, it's what I do best!  So I knew this was going to be an ultimate challenge.  Turns out, I did better than I thought I would on day one... I followed the plan, stuck with it and made it through the day without biting off any heads - even when I had a nice plate of mac salad, desserts and a yummy looking sandwich shoved in my face - I resisted! 

I haven't noticed any major movements yet..  The only thing that's changed is my increase in peeing... guess the body feels the need to rid itself of water first.  Stay tuned for day 2 - it's going to be harder, since its the weekend and I'm home all day and not busy at work.  You know what they say about idle hands...


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